Freitag, 13. Juli 2012

Heaven Lives in the River of My Heart, Vima Lamura

“Morning Dew”

Rita Take © 2011

The strong morning coffee claims his tribute.

I've to drink a glass fresh water first!

Which racks and sheer torture could force me

to conscious effort in loosing

my lethargy and anger, my hedonism and boredom,

my rage, my hate and my arrogance?

Where is the warm hearted door, open for me

to step into a top flight, highly concentrated state of mind

to find delicious fruits of health?

During a visit at Brahmaloka, Nirvana nearby,

just looking through a window paint,

I saw that tree with spiritual fruits of life:

Love Joy, Peace and Forbearance and

Kindness,, Quality, Fidelity and

Gentleness and Self control!

O happy day

when all my troubles seems so far away,

in paradise garden...just to stay...,

without tomorrow, without yesterday.

My body is knocking at the door.

I want to drink and something more!

Ok my friend, I'll go with you,

be conscious in what you do,

and listen carefully to what i say:

Tighten your belt of truth, be always on call,

to fight for your vision of peace.

Seize shelter of faith and extinguish fires source.

Take magic cap of invisibility, and a

double edged sword of pure golden light!

Cause all elements will be burning

and melting to disintegrate

and new creation arising, becoming new earth

with balance and fair conditions.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery,

none but our self can free our mind.

Stay and help me to end the day,

and if you don't mind, we will brake a bottle of wine!


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