Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012

Meni Mi Joly VIP Ghana African Rap

European Followers

We see and follow the same instructions,

changing the structur of our social society.

For what a world shall we prepared to live in?

As long as Terrorists are problem for Global Players,

more and more Terrorist will arise on the scene.

But we are the Folks, we choose the vote.

The mass do not move,they say, following like sheeps!

Greed, hate or thumbness is not an everlasting lifestyle.

We are changing this world by personal decision.

For what a world will be prepared to live in?

Voting for peace and love and social balance,

we step into another vision of daily life,

not created by any manager, alien or pope

but by intelligence of life itself.

Cause our nature is not a bad one!

Nature is an intelligent process,

spirit rules, a place for possabilities,

what oversized Desktop we are prepared to work with?

World is changing quick and quicker, so be on guard.

Echos in mind, songs of joy

are guiding us; just open ears! Rita

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